A Decade of Public Service

2012 Sudbury Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)

2012 Community Resources Awareness Network (CRANE)

2015 Elected to Sudbury School Committee

2018 Re-elected to Sudbury School Committee

2018 Elected Chair of the Sudbury School Committee

2018 Appointed to Sudbury’s Commission on Disability, currently serving

2020 Chair of the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Special Education Parent Advisory Council, currently serving

2021 Elected vice-chair of the Commission on Disability, currently serving

The Right Experience at the Right Time

My experience leading the SPS community as Chair through the EEE crisis as well as the COVID re-opening planning process illustrates my ability to lead and manage when we face challenges. I fostered an atmosphere of mutual respect at the School Committee table and promoted appropriate, collaborative dialogue. I brought the same approach to every task force, liaison assignment and subcommittee on which I served.   

Leadership Without Bias or Prejudice 

If elected, I will faithfully represent the will of the entire community. I will use my experience to build consensus and achieve positive, productive dialogue at the Select Board table. My extensive experience comes at a unique time when we need our leadership to work amicably together towards the mutual benefit of ALL Sudbury residents. 

Public Service Experience

Sudbury School Committee Accomplishments

Serving 6 years on the Sudbury School Committee afforded me an intimate understanding of the schools. This is particularly important as education makes up approximately 64% of the Town’s total budget. 

I am also intimately familiar with the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional Agreement. This knowledge will be very useful to the Select Board as it works to update the agreement in a mutually beneficial manner with the town of Lincoln. 

My experience will bridge the gap between the schools and the broader Sudbury community.

  • I procured professional development for the School Committee regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Committee. This professional development also allowed the School Committee to better understand its relationship with the Superintendent and the Administration. Since the professional development was conducted during open meeting, the community also benefited from this professional development.

  • Although the School Committee had existing norms and protocols regarding expectations and conduct of members during meetings, I instituted a practice of reviewing and re-affirming commitment to these norms and protocols yearly. I also provided the Committee with professional development concerning the necessity and importance of such norms and protocols. Since the professional development was again conducted during open meeting, the community also benefited from this professional development.

  • I enacted the “Subcommittee Template” practice whereby the School Committee documents the roles and responsibilities of Subcommittees. Doing so improved the work product and functionality of Subcommittees.

  • The adoption of the new District Policy Manual utilizing gender neutral language improved transparency and functionality of Sudbury Public Schools as a whole.

  • The adoption of the School Committee Handbook specified School Committee practices and processes in a transparent manner. This Handbook also supports the consistent practices of the School Committee.

  • I implemented the School Committee’s practice of the adoption of SMART goals on a yearly basis. The Committee’s adoption of SMART goals helped the Committee to focus on its roles and responsibility in a transparent manner.

  • I established an annual self-assessment practice for the School Committee.

  • I worked closely with the Superintendent to streamline the Committee’s Agenda management which focused the Committee on its work and significantly shortened the duration of meetings.

  • I worked to change the culture on the Committee by implementing multiple approaches to foster an atmosphere of respect, collaboration and professionalism.

  • I collaborated with the Administration regarding the budget.  We began a regular practice of reviewing the MUNIS reports, which detail all aspects of the district budget, line by line.

  • I improved communication with the school community through the development of a bi-annual newsletter, School Committee At-A-Glance which fostered transparency regarding the School Committee’s work.

Accomplishments on the Sudbury School Committee

  • Developed a new logo for Sudbury Public Schools

  • Promoted equity work for the District

  • Supported the development of the District Strategic Plan, which links goals and objectives to the District Budget

  • Broadened the District calendar to recognize different holidays to increase cultural awareness in the community

  • Advocated for a new math curriculum that has been consistently and equitably implemented across all grade levels.

  • Advocated for an Acceleration Policy for Sudbury Public Schools to meet the needs of advanced learning students. Now middle school students who qualify can take high school level math at Curtis Middle School.

  • Advocated for the development of appropriate in-district programs to meet the needs of students. While meeting the needs of students, these in-district programs drove down costs by preventing out-of-district placements.

  • Managed the largest portion of the Town of Sudbury budget with a focus on advancing quality of education while prioritizing budget sustainability and fiscally appropriate budget practices. Supported the Administration’s efforts to maintain a three-year level budget process which allows for appropriate planning and budget maintenance. Supported the Administration’s development of a Sudbury Public Schools Budget Book and consistent Budget practice that promotes transparency and prevents surprise expenses.

Commission on Disability

Building an inclusive Sudbury that supports All residents is a priority. With the finalization of the Americans with Disabilities Act Self Evaluation and Transition Plan, the experience and knowledge I have acquired while on the Commission on Disability will be an asset to the Select Board and the community. 

Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School Special Education Parent Advisory Council (LSSEPAC)

In August 2020, I became the Chair of the LSSEPAC. SEPACs are a legally mandated organization pursuant to Mass. Gen. L. ch. 71B; 603 CMR 28:07(4). The main purpose and function of these organizations is to collaborate with the administration regarding special education programs and to report to the School Committee regarding special education programs. The LSSEPAC also supports students and families by providing educational workshops and speakers.


An avid supporter of Civics education while on the School Committee, I volunteered to support the League of Women Voters Civics Bee. I felt it critical to engage our young people proactively in understanding our governmental processes. Since young people are the future of our country, they need to see our elected officials engaged in ethical and appropriate leadership roles. I believe our elected officials also are uniquely positioned to help young people understand how our local government functions. Elected officials and the Town Manager should be engaged with the schools to support programs like the Civics Bee. I would work to promote these types of proactive learning opportunities for young people.

Professional Experience as an Attorney

As an attorney, my education, training and experience will be an invaluable asset to the Select Board. This experience distinguishes her from the other current sitting Select Board members. Watch Lisa question the Designer of the Fairbanks Community Center on November 7, 2019.

I practiced both Plaintiffs and Defendants civil litigation from 1996 to 2004. My primary areas of practice included products liability, medical malpractice, personal injury and construction. I developed strong organizational and analytical skills managing a significant number of cases. My diverse background in handling different types of cases will allow me to assist the Select Board in analyzing complex issues. I will also utilize her oral advocacy skills to advance the interests of the Town. I will be able to advocate aggressively, yet respectfully to promote the interests of the Town. I will provide the competent and well-versed leadership our community needs and deserves on the Select Board.